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Ansys, May 23. 2024

5 New Ways to Maximize Your Hardware Security Resilience

Be sure to register for this high tech security webinar. You’ll learn how to identify threat scenarios quickly and why a model-based, system-oriented solution is needed to protect your hardware. Overview Connected vehicles offer a… 5 New Ways to Maximize Your Hardware Security Resilience

Secure-IC, May 24, 2022

Automotive Cyber-Security: Off-board and On-board, standards and technologies

This webinar will help you understand: • The different standards that exist and why is compliance so important? • How to protect against tampering attacks? • What is lifecycle security and how can it benefit… Automotive Cyber-Security: Off-board and On-board, standards and technologies

Secure C AV

Effectively Addressing the Challenge of Securing Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Overview As vehicles get more complex and connected, the attack surface increases. This presents increasing challenges for cybersecurity. This webinar introduces hardware based techniques for addressing security concerns, from legacy through to the future. What… Effectively Addressing the Challenge of Securing Connected and Autonomous Vehicles