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Fab.da: Comprehensive AI-Driven Process Analytics for Faster Ramp and Efficient High-Volume Manufacturing

The challenges before semiconductor fabs are expansive and evolving. As the size of chips shrinks from nanometers to eventually angstroms, the complexity of the manufacturing process increases in response. To combat the complexity and sheer intricacy of semiconductor manufacturing, innovative software solutions are required. Synopsys Fab.da is a comprehensive process control solution that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI)… Read More »Fab.da: Comprehensive AI-Driven Process Analytics for Faster Ramp and Efficient High-Volume Manufacturing

Mastering EMC Simulations for Electronic Designs

Overview Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) simulation is critical for ensuring that electronic devices comply with regulatory standards and perform optimally in their intended environments. As the complexity of electronic systems increases, the importance of EMC simulation grows, allowing engineers to predict and mitigate potential electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues before physical prototypes are built. For EMC and… Read More »Mastering EMC Simulations for Electronic Designs