Perceptive visitors may have noticed two big changes on this site, namely that the layout has changed to a new look, and all of a sudden there are current EDA and IP events listed. What’s going on?
Fair question. This site is powered with WordPress, the number one Content Management System (CMS) in the world, mostly because it’s Open Source, extendable, and has a huge following, ensuring that I can swap out the look using something called a Theme. I’ve been attracted to the Neve theme, and started using it recently for this site.
I decided to start adding EDA and IP events, because in my daily reading I come across a fair amount of events from various sources:
- SemiWiki
- Other sites
I hope that you find the new events valuable, and I also tend to Tweet and post to LinkedIn the new events as I find them.
Remember, DAC is next month in SFO, and I’ll be there, so send me a message on LinkedIn or Twitter and we can meet in person. Follow my DAC tweets here.
[tribe_events view=”photo”]