Blogging in EDA has its rewards and last night was a real treat as Synopsys provided a superb dinner experience at Mr. Stox in Anaheim.
I chatted with:
- Harry the ASIC Guy
- Yvette Huygen Deshpande, Synopsys – Director Worldwide PR
- Joe Desposito, Electronic Design – Editor in Chief
- Frank Schirmeister, Synopsys – Director Product Marketing, Solutions Group
- Karen Bartleson, Synopsys – Sr Director, Community Marketing
- Dr. Johannes Stahl, Synopsys – Director Product Marketing, Solutions Group
- Farhad Hayat, Synopsys – Sr. Director, Product Marketing, Analog Mixed-Signal
- Janick Bergeron, Synopsys – Fellow
- Sheryl Gulizia, Synopsys – Worldwide PR Manager
- Rick Nelson, EDN – Editor in Chief
What a great way to get introduced to people in the EDA industry that make the news and read our blogs and magazines. We had a delightful time together.
Hi Daniel,
It was great seeing you as well. Wish we’d had more time to talk.
Take care,
My DAC schedule is so filled with visits to EDA vendors that I had little time to actually socialize with familiar faces and former co-workers. Enjoyed seeing you in person.