SPICE is a wonderful tool for transistor-level circuit designers to predict speed, timing and power of their sensitive designs across Process, Voltage and Temperature regions or corners. One problem is simply run-time of SPICE, it can be slow enough to take days or even weeks to complete a simulation.

cyberedaCybereda is the latest start-up EDA company to offer parallel SPICE technology with a tool named PCSIM. The claims sound reasonable, about a linear speed-up as you add more cores or CPUs to your design.

An 8-core version of PCSIM leaves commercial SPICE in the dust:

Right now the company web site talks about how great their tool is however we don’t hear from any customers yet, so stay tuned to learn how this parallel SPICE tool will compete with other earlier entrants, like:

Berkeley DA is hiring a parallel software developer in India, so expect another competitor in 2010.