I had the pleasure of attending a webinar yesterday about what’s new in HSPICE presented by Synopsys.
Previous webinars I’ve attended required that I use a separate phone line to get audio, then use my web browser to view the presentation. With this webinar I just had to use my web browser to hear the presenter plus view the presentation.
I couldn’t speak but I could type in questions and comments through the presentation time.
I think that Synopsys understands how to use modern web marketing techniques like webinars, webcasting and blogs. Let me know if you see other EDA companies that understand how to best use the web.
I see that the webcast was hosted by Cheryl Aljuni, my old friend and mentor. Plus they used ON24, a good webcast provider.
Actually, the features that you mention have been in place a long time. Don’t remember the provides, but back in late 2004 I organized a webcast with Mentor and Xilinx as sponsors (Clive Maxfield was the moderator) which had all the features that you mentioned above.
FYI … Two days ago, Cadence launched a new online community at http://www.cadence.com/community/. According to Tom Diederich, who spearheaded Cadence’s online community development and previously developed a similar B2B community at Symantec, they will be providing blogs, forums, webcasts, social networking, etc. all within the community.
I’ve been poking around and it seems very clean and robust so far. I have not checked out the videos/webinars as yet.
Good info. I just signed up at the Cadence community and was stunned to see no less than 28 bloggers from Cadence!
Let’s see how this new community forms.
Oh well, yet another EDA forum to keep tabs on.
Did they teach the old dog some new tricks?
We created the the Verilog-AMS standard ~ 25 years ago and I thought that would help get rid of the disparate SPICE dialects, I also built a Verilog-AMS simulator with HSPICE back then (since lost – literally, my Solaris PC got recycled by Avant!). For some reason Synopsys decided HSIM would be the only AMS simulator (despite it being the same level of effort to make them all do it).
If anyone wants to make Xyce work as an HSPICE drop-in, get in touch.
Kevin, I’m migrating old posts from chipdesignmag.com over to this site, because that site is removed, but there’s a copy at archive.org