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DAC 2024

Moscone West San Francisco, CA, United States

The premier event for the design and design automation of electronic chips to systems. Autonomous Systems Electronics content in modern autonomous systems (e.g., automotive, robotics, drones, etc.) is growing at an increasingly… Read More »DAC 2024

RISC-V Summit Europe 2024

MOC Conference Lilienthalallee 40, Munich, Germany

The RISC-V Summit Europe is the premier event that connects the European movers and shakers - from industry, government, research, academia and ecosystem support - that are building the future of innovation… Read More »RISC-V Summit Europe 2024

FPGA Conference Europe

NH München Ost Conference Center Einsteinring 20, Munich, Aschheim, Germany

The FPGA Conference Europe, organized by ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS and the FPGA training center PLC2, is Europe's leading specialist conference for programmable logic devices. The conference focusses on user-oriented, practically applicable solutions… Read More »FPGA Conference Europe