CK Lee, Yong Dai CK Lee, CEO of CyberEDA History – Epic, Synopsys, Nassda, Synopsys Analog Design Debugging System (ADDS) – Helps IC designer to find bugs, RC values, compare simulation results. – Still in… CyberEDA – PCSIM
CK Lee, Yong Dai CK Lee, CEO of CyberEDA History – Epic, Synopsys, Nassda, Synopsys Analog Design Debugging System (ADDS) – Helps IC designer to find bugs, RC values, compare simulation results. – Still in… CyberEDA – PCSIM
Who You-Pang Wei, President of Legend Design MSIM – SPICE simulator for IC and PCB, IBIS verification. Able to simulate RF, Std Cells and LCD (using Hybrid models). Measured data can be used to correct… Legend Design – MSIM, Turbo MSIM
Buzz in the OVM UVM Booth Crowds of engineers were interested in OVM and UVM this year at DAC.
3D glasses to lighten us up TSMC and ST presenters Winner of 10th annual Tensing Norgay Interoperability Award: IEEE ISTO Overview For the past several years I’ve seen TSMC create the iPDK standard and seen… Interoperability Breakfast – Synposys
Who Mehmet Cirit, Founder of Library Technologies History I first met Mehmet at Silicon Compilers in the 80’s and have kept in touch with him over the years. What New product – Chip Timer, speeds… Library Technologies
Our panel discussion on Tuesday afternoon was well attended, thanks to the lively discussion from our three panelists: Aaron Barker – Oracle, Broomfield, CO Pierluigi Daglio – STMicroelectronics, Agrate, Italy Jin-Qin Lu – Atheros Communications,… DAC Pavilion Panel – Hot and SPICEy: Users Review Different Flavors of SPICE and Fast SPICE
Blogging in EDA has its rewards and last night was a real treat as Synopsys provided a superb dinner experience at Mr. Stox in Anaheim. Editors, Bloggers and Synopsys folks enjoy socializing The fabled wine… Editor Dinner on Tuesday – Synopsys
ChipEstimate has savvy marketing and knows how to draw a crowd at DAC: 1) Get a big booth 2) Announce an iPad give away 3) Repeat often Drawing for an iPad at Chip Estimate
What do cars have in common with EDA? Well, nothing really, however this booth of IC Manage gets the Coolest Car award from me: Coolest Car at booth of IC Manage